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Sinkhole Sam

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Sinkhole Sam is a worm like creature said to inhabit a portion of Inman Lake in Kansas known as "The Sinkhole". It is also known as the "Foopengerkle" though there's no solid explanation of what that might have meant.

Before America was colonized by Europeans, Kansas was covered in small streams, lakes and rivers but since then they have been blocked up and dried up, leaving only a few natural lakes and streams. Locals theorize that Sam is actually a prehistoric creature that lived in flooded underground caverns that somehow led into the lake. The first known account of the beast came from two men who were fishing at the sinkhole when they saw the creature. Following this event, Albert Neufeld and George Regehr also claimed to have seen the creature, claiming that it was approximately 15 feet in length and as round as an “automobile tire.”

Sinkhole sam article 1

The Brownsville Herald (1953)

Sightings of the creature have stopped over the years, leaving us to wonder if the creature died or has gone back into the cavern from whence it came.

Sinkhole Sam

The Salina Journal (November 23, 1952)

A similar creature has been reported about 50 miles south of Inman at the Kingman State Lake. The State Lake, while not a naturally occurring lake, was formed from a naturally occurring marsh and is located next to the Ninnescah River. Both in the early 1900s and in the late 1960s, several accounts of a large snake were reported. Eyewitness accounts of this snake's size vary. Some have said that it is the size of a large python, and others have said that its girth is so large that even a tractor could not run over it. In the late '60s a large search for this large snake was conducted, but no snakes other than the known native species were found. This creature has never been given a proper name. However, some believe this creature to be the same creature or of the same species as Sinkhole Sam. Over time, reports of such a snake have greatly diminished. However, other cryptids such as Mothman, Bigfoot and a mysterious figure in a trench coat have also been reported around the Kingman State Lake.

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