A drawing of the Black Carpet, made by the DeviantArt user CreaturesandMonsters.
The Black Carpet is an ocean cryptid that resembles a large cluster of organisms. It's first known internet appearance was on a 2020 4chan thread about the Bloop. The Black Carpet is a creature mostly appearing in 4chan greentext stories; outside of the website, it's still a relatively obscure creature.
It has been described by divers [1] as a thousand-foot-long group of jet black microorganisms with thin feelers. It has been compared to the Portuguese Man O' War in terms of shape.
The Carpet eats dead animals that end up on the sea floor, and uses it's body to sift through plankton, like a siphonophore. It's feelers paralize living beings.

A drawing of the Black Carpet, made by the DeviantArt user Tote-Meistarinn.
The Black Carpet is thought to be related to early single-celled organisms that lived billions of years ago in the ocean. It is also thought to be related to the Bloop, namely, according to the legend, it's the Carpet that's actually making the sound itself. Another 4chan story states that the Carpet is the missing link between single-cellular and multi-cellular life.
Most theories say that the Carpet is either a giant siphonophore, a giant echinoderm, or a giant sea anemone.