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Tall White Aliens
Tall White
Type Extraterrestrial/interdimensional
First Sighting Unknown
Last Sighting Unknown
Country Unknown
Habitat Unknown
Possible Population {{{possible_population}}}

The name Tall White Aliens has been attributed to these creatures as they resemble a Grey alien, only much taller than a common Grey alien. The Tall Whites Aliens possibly used genetic manipulations to arrive at their current appearance.


Tall White Aliens are said to be between 6 and 7 feet tall, with even taller ones up to 7'5." Their tall slender bodies have a pale chalk white color. These Extra Terrestrials are said to thrive in arid dry atmospheres.

Tall Whites have very large eyes that are blue at childhood but turn pink as the aliens age. While Tall Whites are said to be physically weak from numerous genetic manipulations to their genus, their lanky limbs can propel them faster than a human runner.

The Sighting[]

Tall Whites aliens are among us

The Tall White Aliens

Charles Hall, a nuclear physicist, ex-military American weather specialist and author are touring Australia with his claims that the United States military has been in contact with an alien species for years.

He says the aliens would dress as humans and visit Las Vegas.

In 1964, when I was a weather observer at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, I witnessed interactions between the military and a group of mysterious tall, white, human-like extraterrestrials, the Vietnam veteran said from his home in Albuquerque.

Their crafts are capable of travelling faster than the speed of light because Einstein was wrong about relativity.

Mr Hall said no cameras were allowed at the site, which has since been wiped off the map.

Tall white

When he arrived, a colleague had wanted to lock them in the weather station and not go to the other end of the building because that's where he had encountered them. There was a group of five, two men and three women, and they had come to go to the bathroom. When you encounter the 'tall whites' it's such a shock, you are not sure if you are looking at a ghost or an angel, or if you are dreaming, he said.

Mr Hall said he had contact with three types of aliens - the tall whites (about 2.5 metres tall), greys (with yellow/orange skin) and the Norwegians with 24 teeth, who look like humans and speak English.

Tall whites

He claims that the experiences were real and that the US Air Force were indeed hosting extraterrestrials they had reached agreements with during the 1950's if not earlier. They were principally involved in technology transfers with the US military.

He said US officials had kept it all quiet because people weren't emotionally ready to accept alien life forms.

The Tall Whites are humanoid in appearance. The first UFO researcher to seriously investigate the Charles Hall story is Paola Harris who interviewed him in July 2003.

