Cryptid Wiki
Cryptid Wiki

The Orang Pendek, also known as Uhang Pandak, and several other similar spellings, is said to be a bipedal ape living in the jungles on the island of Sumatra. Its reported height is commonly between three to six feet, and its fur is short and typically gray or black but sometimes reddish or 'honey' coloured. The name "orang pendek" translates to "short person" in Indonesian.

The creature is said to walk upright on both legs, and be herbivorous, which is common with primates. However, unlike most primates, it is reported to spend almost all of its time on the ground, which is similar among gorillas and Bigfoot-like cryptids.

Both locals and Western visitors have allegedly seen the orang pendek. Some early Dutch colonists have even reported sightings. Many theories and suggested explanations revolve around the myth, including misidentification of an orangutan, a hominid or hobbit-like creature, or an undiscovered ape.

The UK based Centre for Fortean Zoology has taken five expeditions to Sumatra in search of the orang-pendek. They have found hair and tracks, heard vocalizations and in 2009 had a sighting.

The shape of the animal's foot prints and recent hair analysis by Copenhagen University suggest that the orang-pendek is a new species or upright, ground dwelling orangutan.
