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Leyak by scythemantis-d5p0ya5 "As unpredictable—and probably just as controversial—as UFOs, Leyak are a supernatural phenomenon most feared by many Indonesians."

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These big cats that live in Uganda, where they hunt humans viciously, and are known for their distinctive black body with white or grey flanks. They make an odd laughter like hyena call when hunting, and travel in packs of three or four individuals.

Summary And Description[]

The Ndalawo is also called Ondurlarwo. It is described as a forest roaming cat with similar size and shape of a leopard, with black fur on its back which turns grey or even white at its flanks. It is said to hunt in packs of three to five and lough like hyena, it's said that these beasts also hunt humans.

A Ndalawo skin was procured on one occasion, but was never studied, and its current whereabouts are unknown.

Possible Explanations[]

Ndalawo could be a new species of Feline or Hyaenidae similar to hyena or a leopard.

