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Le Loyon, also known as "The Ghost of Maules", was a supposed humanoid figure who was said to had haunt the woodlands near the Swiss town of Maules. Le Loyon is described as a tall humanoid creature dressed in a Gimp Suit and a gas mask that completely covers its head and face. The nature of its appearance brings into question of whether they are a cryptid, urban legend, or merely a person who likes to dress up and take walks.


Le Loyonn

According to eyewitnesses, Le Loyon appears to be a human or humanoid dressed in a boiler suit, covered in a strange cloak, and wearing a gas mask over its face. There has been a supposed photograph of the Le Loyon which depicts a strange humanoid figure. It has not yet been proven however whether or not the said photograph is a hoax.



For 10 years, the Swiss town of Maules has been terrified by a strange figure stalking the woodlands known as 'Le Loyon'. Police have been searching for it since it was first sighted. It has been walking the same route in the woods every day for a decade, stalking the town from the bushes.

Le Matin published what is believed to be the first ever photograph of the figure. 'I came across him near the marches,' said the unnamed amateur photographer who tracked it down. 'I approached him up to a dozen metres away.' 'He had a military cape, boots and an army gas mask - an antique type, I think. He measured more than 1.90m. He stared at me then turned its back on me and left in silence.'

One local resident encountered Le Loyon in June last year - when the creature appeared to be clutching a bunch of flowers. Marianne Descloux, who also lives in the area, told Le Matin that her run-in with it came in spring. 'It was a rainy Sunday,' she said. 'He had a cap, a dark cloak and his gas mask.' 'What could possibly be going through his head? I don't know, but it was unforgettable - and unpleasant. I hope I don't run into him again.'

Alleged Suicide Note[]


Monster Mask by CFX

A sighting

A sighting

Apparently, the creature known as Le Loyon took his life. Its clothes were found in the woodlands with a cryptic note reading "Le risque d'une chasse à la Bête" meaning "The risk of a hunt for the Beast." The french article that revealed the note translated as, "Le Loyon decided to 'commit suicide'." This mysterious character who people came across in a regular basis in the forest De Maules, wearing a gas mask on his face and a military cloak has abandoned its old/used garments in the forest. Its garments were found accompanied by what he calls 'The death certificate and will of the Ghost De Maules.'

This letter is published in the communal bulletin of Sâles. Le Loyon accuses "Le Matin" of murdering a "harmless being" by revealing his existence. It wrote: "The risk of a hunt for the Beast became too great...". The note expressed Le Loyon's concerns that the recent exposure would lead to further attention, which forced the person under the clothes to abandon the walks, which the letter referred to as 'happiness therapy.' Then, it snarks at the reader for not understanding the works of one "Sacher-Masoch.("

Up until now, there is no feasible understanding of the being's true face. It is also a mystery if it is truly dead, or merely in hiding.


Original French[]

Acte de décès et testament du Fantôme de Maules

Cher pseudo Patrick du Matin, non seulement vous êtes un crétin mais vous êtes surtout un assassin.

Vous avez assassiné un être bien inoffensif, qui trouvait, dans ses promenades, une véritable thérapie du bonheur, un ressourcement cérébral lui permettant d'affronter les responsabilités et les vicissitudes de sa vie «normale» et il en avait !
Le fantôme n'est pas en mesure d'expliquer ce bonheur, mais vous ne semblez pas connaître Sacher-Masoch; vous découvrirez qu'il faut de tout pour faire un monde.

Ensuite, vous êtes un assassin des libertés.
A vous entendre, on se retrouve au Moyen-âge, au temps des sorcières. Que ne vous élevez-vous pas contre les petits crapauds, casqués et cagoulés, vêtus de cuir, qui pétaradent sur leurs motos de cross, dans ces mêmes forêts, eux en infraction !
Prennent-ils le temps de se recueillir devant le petit Oratoire, pour demander un monde meilleur ? Je terrorise les enfants, faites-moi rire ! Pourquoi ne sont-ils pas terrorisés par les horreurs et les crimes, bien réels ceux-ci, qu'ils voient à la télévision, dans les médias ?

Qui s'occupe de régler le bouton Tolérance et Liberté dans cette société ? Ces belles notions profitent davantage aux dealers, proxénètes, cambrioleurs, violeurs et hooligans !

La Suisse est petite, tout ce qui n'est pas en conformité au nain de jardin doit être éradiqué. J'ai pensé, durant ces années, alors qu'on m'a toujours fichu la paix, jusqu'à vous, que ces sentiments évoluaient, vous m'en donnez la preuve inverse, malheureusement.

Le Fantôme disparaît, le risque d'une chasse à la Bête est trop grand. Il reviendra hanter les esprits étriqués de votre espèce, car finalement un fantôme ne meurt jamais.

A l'aimable promeneuse ou champignonneur qui découvrira mes oripeaux : Délivrez cette missive à Monsieur le Syndic ou Vice-Syndic, voire à un journaliste, capable toutefois de disserter sur la Liberté et la Tolérance.

Translated to English[]

Death certificate and testament of the Phantom of Maules

Dear nickname Patrick du Matin, not only are you a moron but you are above all an assassin.

You murdered a very harmless being, who found, in his walks, a real therapy of happiness, a cerebral resourcing allowing him to face the responsibilities and the vicissitudes of his "normal" life and he had some!
The ghost cannot explain this happiness, but you do not seem to know Sacher-Masoch; you will discover that it takes everything to make a world.

Then you are an assassin of freedoms.
To hear you, we find ourselves in the Middle Ages, at the time of the witches. Why don't you rise up against the little toads, helmets and hoods, dressed in leather, who backfire on their motorcycles, in these same forests, them in violation!
Do they take the time to meditate in front of the little Oratory, to ask for a better world? I terrorize children, make me laugh! Why are they not terrified by the horrors and the crimes, very real these, that they see on television, in the media?

Who is in charge of setting the Tolerance and Freedom button in this company? These beautiful notions benefit more dealers, pimps, burglars, rapists and hooligans!

Switzerland is small, anything that is not in accordance with the garden gnome must be eradicated. I thought, during these years, while I was always left alone, until you, that these feelings were evolving, you give me the opposite proof, unfortunately.

The Phantom disappears, the risk of a Beast hunt is too great. It will come back to haunt the narrow minds of your kind, for ultimately a ghost never dies.

To the amiable walker or mushroomer who will discover my tinsel: Deliver this letter to Mr. Syndic or Vice-Syndic, or even to a journalist, capable however of discussing Freedom and Tolerance.


  • A simple hermit who admired nature, and enjoyed walks.
  • A 4chan thread on the board /r9k/ appears to feature Le Loyon themself. The thread in question was about an anonymous poster who was contemplating doing scary things in public for fun, which 'Le Loyon' posted in talking about what they did, which another poster quickly recognised. If the poster was not lying, 'Le Loyon' would simply be a bored person looking for some fun.
    A compilation of posts from an anonymous poster who claims after being recognised by another to be Le Loyon

    Le Loyon possible explanation
