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Leyak by scythemantis-d5p0ya5 "As unpredictable—and probably just as controversial—as UFOs, Leyak are a supernatural phenomenon most feared by many Indonesians."

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Sylviornis, which is similar to the Du

The du is a flightless cryptid bird documented in New Caledonia, is commonly referred to as the "New Caledonian sylvornis" (Sylviornis neocaledoniae). While Sylviornis is believed to be extinct, the du persists as a cultural remnant, with some locals still discussing it as though it remains extant.

Originally presumed to be a megapode, recent findings from Holocene-era specimens suggest a closer kinship to galliformes, a group encompassing rails, chickens, and other game birds. A related species of sylvornis once inhabited Fiji.

This cryptid is recognized as a real animal that has since become extinct within human history, akin to sightings of megatherium. Similarly, reports of dinosaurs, although from epochs predating humanity, also fit within this category.

In 1991, while visiting New Caledonia, cryptozoologist Lars Thomas discovered that "native accounts depict the du with precision and regard it as still present today."
