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Ankylosaur of Katsuro Desert

The Ankylosaur of Katsuro Desert (カツロー砂漠の鎧竜、カツロー砂漠のアンキロサウルス)is a cryptid with a dinosaur-like appearance reported from South Africa; this cryptid was introduced only in Japanese books, and the spelling Katsuro Desert is tentative.[1]


In 1954, a man named Hale (this spelling is tentative, as the original text is written in katakana as ヘール) was driving his car in the Katsuro Desert when he was attacked by a strange creature. The creature was a four-meter reptile whose entire body was covered with an armor-like structure.


The reported description is similar to the dinosaur-like cryptid Beast of Karoo, also reported from South Africa, and the strange place name Katsuro, where the Ankylosaur has been sighted, may be a misspelling of Karoo. The Beast of Karoo sighting is said to have occurred in 1946, while the Katsuro Desert Ankylosaur sighting is said to have occurred in 1954, but like the place name, it is possible that the information was misrepresented as it came to Japan from overseas.

Other theories could be hoaxes to secure page space in the book, or information obtained through interviews in the field.

